Rewiring your mind for success

I wanted to share a great excerpt from an email this morning from Marc and Angel

“The older you grow, the more mindful you become. Life humbles you gradually as you age. You realize just how much nonsense you've wasted time on.

The biggest nonsense creator of them all?

Your mind… and the fantasies it likes to project into every facet of your life.

You’ve likely fantasized your way into headaches and heartache dozens of times already this Fall! And you aren’t alone.

We all stress ourselves out because of fantasies.

We all procrastinate to the point of failure because of fantasies.

We all get angry with others, with ourselves, and with the world at large because of fantasies.

We all miss out on many of life’s most beautiful and peaceful moments... because of fantasies!

This might seem hard to believe at first, so let’s look at some super common examples…

• When we wake up and immediately start fantasizing and worrying about all the things we have to do, we aren’t really doing anything but adding stress to an otherwise pleasant morning.

• When we fear the potential of failure, and we procrastinate in response to our fear, our fearful fantasies force us to miss great opportunities for success.

• When someone upsets us, this is often because they aren’t behaving according to our fantasy of how they “should” behave. The frustration, then, stems not from their behavior but from how their behavior differs from our fantasy.

• When we think about making a healthy change in our lives (like getting in shape), we are initially inspired by the fantasy of how easy it will be, but… that’s not reality. So when the reality of working hard to exercise and eat right surfaces, and it doesn’t match up with our inspiring fantasy, we give up.

• When we’re having a conversation with someone, we’re distracted with fantasies of how this person views us, or we’re distracted by our propensity to fantasize about how to respond before they even finish talking, and thus we miss the opportunity to connect more deeply with them.

Of course, sometimes we get out of our own heads long enough to focus on the present and make the best of it, but it’s NOT often enough.

Just think about your life and how often you let fantasies get the best of you.

How does it affect you?

It certainly doesn’t lead to happiness and peace of mind.

You start believing your own lies and your behavior naturally backs the lies up. You start procrastinating. You put your biggest goals on the back burner. You always feel guilty and regretful for not taking action. You give up when the first obstacle comes your way. You blame others. Your important relationships take a major hit. And the list goes on and on.

And you know what the really scary part is? Most people don't know they are digging themselves a hole by repetitively listening to their fantasies and the negative self-talk they produce.

To get yourself out of this mess, you need to literally rewire your brain and replace negative, distracted mindsets with positive, productive ones. For example, instead of saying, "I don't think I have what it takes," you must start saying, "I can figure this out!" And by doing so, you'll stop saying, "I’m not ready yet," and you'll start taking action because the new mindset is something along the lines of "I am ready to learn”

So listen up crew …It is only at this point where we have awareness enough to write out new life our new plan for success and begin our new path.